Monday, March 16, 2009

The Elections are Over, now we heal towards change and recovery

We did our parts in spite of the risk even to our own self, safety and integrity. We placed everything on the line because some thing needs to be done. Yet, we were victorious, we were right and we have perservere. Today is a new world, it is time to unite, get over it and live towards the present and the future.

Over the so much uncertainties, challenges and opposition beneath the odds change has come to America and soon to be the world.

Change is about fundamental values. It needs to come from own individual self. Only when we start to forgive the people that had question us, attack us, mock on us because of our believes can we fully start to feel the healing of repentance. It is just a mere acknowledgement of saying it is done and we have chosen the right man to lead the change.

Never before did we see a president that was not afraid of ratings, off traditional politics and most of all the giants of corporate greed.

To people that have question me I say, I forgive you but I also hope that you will start to correct what mark you have done. There is still a time to help and together we can still work together in healing the wounds.

Should we both succeed, I will do my best in my remaining time and efforts to ensure that our ultimate goal of education and helping the limited income earner succeed. If it will take me once again to stand in the town halls and podiums like in the past so that we can bring the inspiration and motivation for hope start booking the slots.

Yes, faith has a deeper meaning in life and it is about living the ideals that we all believe on. And then we can say that we live in land of great opportunity, that anything is possible in the land of the dreams.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Celebs supporting books through MSNBC Video

Thank you dear celebrities and great writers for acknowledging the importance of books as gifts. It came in the right timing that people need some value on entertainment amidst the economic uncertainties." target="_new" title="Celebs Come Out to Support Books">" border=0 alt="Celebs Come Out to Support Books" width=112 height=84>
Celebs Come Out to Support Books

All rights and copyrights belong to the original video owners and MSNBC where video was uploaded.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Frugality, the Toyota Way might save the Auto Industry

As the economic crisis goes deeper and deeper not even shwoing signs of being near the bottoming out phase, the perils of the automobile industry might be resolve by bringing in the experts from Toyota.

Back in the days when Toyota was branding their ways to have a world class image, big names in the US auto industry just smiled and raised eyebrows. True or not? This was because Toyota is a true emblem of 'frugality" meaning small but thinking big which was not the way the original capitalist' lessons learned from the industrial age emperors.

I remember way back then in the 90's when some of it's locations were still turning lights off to save on electricity. But at the same their team of engineers were so detailed on looking at reingineering all the process of production.

Looking back from lessons learned, the automotive industry were a major source of employment for the working class because of the unique and distinct special skills and talents of it's workforce. So as we address the problem of this industry coming from an outsiders perspective, productivity and frugality might just be the saving grace after all.

What do I mean by this? Let's look back during the old days when the metal parts steel and the motor of a car were manually installed using one's working hands. Part of the problem in technology is that sometimes we can get so engrossed with it that we forget about some human aspects like personalization.

Do we really need all the high tech equipments that needs to upgrading each month? As we eliminate manual labor and invest on machinery, had we made real competitive assumptions that if we had another human body in the production line, will it be really a cost savings factor in the long run?

It's just like customer service business, unless your business model is entirely e-commerce driven you better have the same level of service to sustain the service provider's advertising about being personal to your client's needs.

Sometimes, economics is such an extensive subject matter to debate on. But in the end it boils down to common sense and the basic law of supply and demand. Just maybe the so called
auto czar
needed during the recessionary period, is a skilled technical expert. In short, the auto industry needs a working class mechanic who knows how to build and assemble cars the old fashion way but one that is open towards re-engineering technologies and of course don't forget the word "entrepreneurial".

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Want to survive as a business then narrow your scope

When times are tough and the investors are grilling the executive and management team, then that is the time suddenly we again would like to revisit our business plan.

Well, the good news is that it is just February (Happy Valentine's Day - By The Way) and the quarter had just began. So pull out your budget's, forecast, day to to day and profit and loss statements (if ever you do have one).

Re-inventing the wheel is not so hard but so can't you re-invent the world today, the past and the numbers right? No matter what kind of company or business you are in big or small, the hardest egoistic belief is that your company has to appeal to the whole world.

Looking at the numbers line by line you then discover that a lot of wasted advertising dollars went to non customers or at least trying to acquire a bigger market share (which market) which is now an illusion of the mind.

Although this is a legitimate strategy in increasing market penetration, it is easier said than done. If (oh yeah) and only if we just focus on this particular segment or customer profiile you could have perhaps save on some pennies to a dollar.

If only we did follow through on that existing client and look at the possible network he might have given us, oh yeah perhaps we could have save and still broaden our baseline. Well, the intial plan was domination by reaching to everyone but that could have work in the world of polticis but not in the business especially for our specific type of industry.

If your VP for Brand Strategy, Director of Marketing or DOSM still have this grandeur idea of penetrating this market index 100% then you probably need to call the company doctor or pyscho-therapist to evaluate if that person is experiencing disillusionment. Isn't it true that there are only two kinds of customers? One that is brand conscious as everyone else is or the opposite customer that buys anything except that brand.

When our advisory team were debating then if we were to concentrate on rare collectibles or new and used books, I used to ask the question about demographics and the market condition. After all, we have historical data, the behavior methodology and even an extensive research from the industry experts.

Just looking at the indicators, how come the expensive brands seem to be not so much a need by the working middle class. How come does used, vintage and generic brands are hot? So again we can still see the trend on economics as people don't have the money to spend, they buy things to survive each day and find the best way to find the best deals which is of course with a little advertisment here,
or simply through online.

So either you are the right extremist or leftist politico just like would you drink coke or pepsi (that was not an advertisement by the way) is what consumer behavior is nowadays. After all change was the ultimate factor why we elected a new president of change and we had to make that choice of which was the best candidate for the position.

Thus, by narrowing now our focus we can completely spend our remaining forces and operating cash in the tough world of business survival today. So are you going to be the brand loyalist or the other emerging brand consumer?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Frugal Dude launches blog while waiting for Grand Slam

Now that people are finally realizing the money is really tight, companies are now fighting to get customers back in their doors.

Greed is a necessary tool of human evil. The way it works is that when we know that demand is high, the price is go up because of the capitalist way of supply and demand. Although necessary for businesses to profit in inflatory environments, it has been seen time and time again that big businesses are the ones who are proliferating from this schemes.

So what happens is that small businesses and start-ups continue to struggle and if not fail. Yet, economically the media and regulatory folks will reiterate about the economy being made up of small businesses.

Thus, new strategies like giving a cheap free grand slam breakfast only indicates that the big guys are finally realizing that greedy tactics will no longer prevail especially when people are hungry, tired, struggling and homeless due to no jobs and no cash and credit in the system.

Hopefully, our fight at and are now finally getting heard. The mission is simply give first, then you will receive. Affordability and during tought times for limited income earners should be our primary focus before profits.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Is Frugal Spending smart spending habits?

Frugality encompasses buying something that is a necessity and need. It is no something you like, just want and or saw someone having them. Smart spending habits are part of simplicity and affordability.

In today's destructive economy with so many people without jobs and struggling to survive, a god question to ask is am I cheap or am I ask being frugal.

Cheap is getting everything and anything for free or pay almost nothing. Yet when we simply don't have the money, then we have nothing to spend.

A good common sense to ask ourself is can I get by without this and this a basic necessity?

Hence, frugal spending towards smart spending is not a debate to be.