Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Frugal Dude launches blog while waiting for Grand Slam

Now that people are finally realizing the money is really tight, companies are now fighting to get customers back in their doors.

Greed is a necessary tool of human evil. The way it works is that when we know that demand is high, the price is go up because of the capitalist way of supply and demand. Although necessary for businesses to profit in inflatory environments, it has been seen time and time again that big businesses are the ones who are proliferating from this schemes.

So what happens is that small businesses and start-ups continue to struggle and if not fail. Yet, economically the media and regulatory folks will reiterate about the economy being made up of small businesses.

Thus, new strategies like giving a cheap free grand slam breakfast only indicates that the big guys are finally realizing that greedy tactics will no longer prevail especially when people are hungry, tired, struggling and homeless due to no jobs and no cash and credit in the system.

Hopefully, our fight at and are now finally getting heard. The mission is simply give first, then you will receive. Affordability and during tought times for limited income earners should be our primary focus before profits.


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